Thursday, 1 April 2021

Thursday In Holy Week: Mark 14: 12-26


Thursday In Holy Week: Mark 14: 12-26.

There are many paintings of the Last Supper.  Sieger Koder’s shows the table from the perspective of Jesus.  We are seeing the disciples as Jesus saw them.  There are pleading eyes, downcast heads, caring hands reaching out, a fearful glance towards the door where a shadowy figure exits.  

We know some of the baggage individual disciples carried.  One a former terrorist, another a Roman collaborator.  One will deny Him,  another betray Him, all of them potentially weak and self-serving as will be revealed just hours later.  But each of them is given the bread and wine.  ‘My body broken for you.  My blood shed for you.’   

 As they repeat Jesus’ actions in the years to come, whatever their circumstances,  they will receive anew the assurance that Jesus counted them worthy of His death.  The death that renews.   And in the remembrance the call to follow is heard once more, the commitment to serve is strengthened, the awareness of Jesus’ love is deepened.  

The Covid restrictions prevent us gathering at the Lord’s Table tonight.  But the love that flows from the sacrifice of Jesus knows no restrictions.  Jesus said: ‘I, when I am lifted up, will draw all men to myself.’  (John 12: 32).