Tuesday 20 April 2021

Prayers For The Week 10

 He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the   moon, through all generations.

He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth.

In his days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound until the moon is no more. (Psalm 72: 5-7)

In a world where the things we hear, touch and see have limited life, You speak to us of eternity.

In a world where so much talk is of lies, corruption and self-seeking, You speak to us of renewal.

In a world where the best influences seem to come to nothing, You speak to us of the ultimate triumph of love, goodness and justice.  

In the midst of everything that might discourage us and undermine our faith help us to keep focussed on Jesus who lived in this broken world, brought healing and wholeness and pointed forward to the coming Kingdom.  

Forgive us if we live as if Jesus didn’t not live, as if He did not die, as if He was not raised.  

Enable us to be strong in the faith that He endures as long as the sun, that his Spirit is refreshing the earth, that He is working through His people to show the Kingdom now.  


We find ourselves close to the disciples in that room in Jerusalem, restricted in our movements, in our contacts, in our work for the Kingdom.

But we are grateful that there is no lockdown that Jesus cannot penetrate:

No loss of liberty, no decline in health, no psychological disturbance that the Risen Lord cannot penetrate

To bring His peace, to assure us of His sympathy and triumph, to open up new opportunities for mission.  

We thank you for all those we have known who are now at rest but whose faith transcended limitations of age, sickness and disability.

May they continue to inspire us until we them anew in the fullness of the Kingdom.

May the presence of the Risen Lord be experienced by the Church throughout the world in her worship and her mission.  

May the presence of the Risen Lord be amongst the nations, the source of compassion, justice and peace.

May the presence of the Risen Lord guide our nation in its government, its care for the sick, its support for the poor and marginalised.  

May the presence of the Risen Lord be with our Queen and her family as they seek a way forward from the death of the Duke of Edinburgh.  

May the presence of the Risen Lord enfold those in the grip of pain, anxiety or loss and grant them the peace that can only flow from Him.