‘Let your face shine on your servant;
save me in your unfailing love.‘ (Psalm 31: 16)
He wasn’t just winding up all his natural resources but turning to the God he knows for his strength and his sense of purpose. David was a strong man but there were times when he was brought to the end of himself and realised that the strength he needed could only be found in the God he knew. That has to be the direction all believers must take. If God has come to us in Jesus, lived our life, dealt with our sin, defeated the power of death and promised His Spirit in every circumstance - then the way forward is to keep our lives firmly oriented towards this God. To make David’s prayer our own:
‘Let your face shine on your servant;
save me in your unfailing love.‘
It may not always work in the sense that power and peace surges in but while I am being still, meditating on the Word, enjoying the fellowship of friends I am reminded of the unfailing love that surrounds me however rubbish I may be feeling.