Monday 10 May 2021

Prayers For The Week 13

 Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and for evermore.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.  (Psalm 113: 2-3)

We join our hearts to praise the Lord who created the Universe, who sustains the Universe, who has it in His heart to renew the Universe.

The Lord who is present in every moment, who knows when every sparrow falls, who has counted every hair, who has clothed every flower.

We stand in awe before our God and know that in His height, His depth, His breadth there is too much for our minds to grasp.

But still by His grace connection is possible through His Son who comes to us as an unborn child, as a cradled baby, as a questioning adolescent, as a carpenter’s son, as a preacher and healer, as an executed criminal,

Who says to us ‘He who has seen me has seen the Father.’  

The Father in the days of celebration, in the days of challenge, the days of grief and suffering, the days of triumph over the darkness.

The Father with us from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.

The Father with us now, revealed by the Son, brought near by the Holy Spirit,

To bless us with His forgiveness, His strength, His peace.

‘Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and for evermore.’   Amen.  

We thank you that Jesus has called us aside to inspire our love, to reveal our gifts, to enable us to serve wholeheartedly. 

We thank you for the assurance that there is a place for all of us in the great plan which will climax in the coming of Your Kingdom.

We thank you for the bond we have with men and women    who have heard the call and walk with us sharing our burdens and inspiring our service.

We thank you for the bond we have with those who have fought the good fight, who have finished the race, who have kept the faith and now enjoy the crown of righteousness.

As we go forward in this life of faith: 

We hold in our hearts our fellow Christians throughout the world who live to tell the story of Jesus and share His love with those in need.

We hold in our hearts the nations of the world under pressure due to hunger, drought, homelessness and strained resources in the struggle against Covid 19.

We hold in our hearts our own nation and those newly elected in the parliament of Scotland as they prepare for the challenges ahead.

We hold in our hearts neighbours, friends, family members who face challenges due to ill-health, uncertainty at work, bereavement, faltering faith.