Getting to this point has been a long haul with challenging treatment and some setbacks. It’s good, however, to look back at the care and expertise of medical staff; the support of colleagues far and wide; the prayerful concern of the congregations of St Paul’s and Baldernock; and the love and long-suffering of Gabrielle and the family who have shared this experience with me.
All of this has come to me within the good and loving purpose of our Heavenly Father. It is quite awe-inspiring to think that from all eternity He has seen this day when I can begin to take steps back into ministry. These steps may be small and tentative for the time being but I am trusting Him for the strength in time to engage more fully in the work of the Kingdom.
It has been interesting for me to see how the online ministry of the Church has been developing over the past few months. Our congregations, including St Luke’s, have been well served by Ramsay Shields and John Wilson. These are men who live in the Word and it has been a blessing to receive what they have grasped in their ‘quarrying’. Now it’s my turn to engage in this developing ministry. As always I can depend on the patience, gifts and expertise of people around me. Chris Scott for his technological knowhow, Derek Norval in his exceptional music ministry, and Hugh McGorm assisting Chris and generally looking after the minister.
What I keep hearing is that this is a ‘steep learning curve.‘ But I am looking forward to the challenge in the knowledge that I will continue to be held in the prayers of so many. Preachers are prevented from being too cocky when remembering that Paul constantly asked for the prayers of the faithful as he delivered the Word. He once wrote:
‘Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.’ (Colossians 4: 2-4)
Just this morning I received an email from Professor Donald Macleod who mentions ‘the huge expansion in live-streaming of church services (which) means that the showers of the Word are watering the earth as never before, and we have good reason to hope that they will bear fruit.’
That’s a bright vision to set before me. These are undoubtedly strange and bewildering days but God has not forgotten us and we can depend on His Word working for the purpose He has intended in bringing all things in heaven and on earth together in His Son Jesus.