““My only fear is, she’s requested ‘Amazing Grace,’” said Amanda.
“I like ‘Amazing Grace,’” Stem said mildly.
“So did I, till it got to be a cliche”
‘It’s not a cliche to me.”
Amanda raised her eyes to the ceiling.”
I know what Amanda means.
Ever since Judy Collins made it a hit in 1970, followed by the Royal
Scots Dragoon Guards in 1972, ‘Amazing Grace’ has been sung and played on
various occasions with people of all faiths and none feeling able to join
in. It is, of course, essentially
a Christian hymn, written by John Newton, praising God for the undeserved love
that has flowed into his life despite his own shortcomings. Newton’s progress towards faith was
anything but straightforward and he stood amazed at how firmly God had held him
in the face of ‘many dangers, toils and snares’. Strangely, the name of Jesus is not mentioned which
perhaps may account for its wide appeal, even to the extent that it was
played on the bagpipes at the funeral of Mr Spock in one of the Star Trek
Yes I know what Amanda means.
‘Amazing Grace’ is one of those songs which can be sung without any
meaningful connection to its heart and soul. Which is why it meant a lot to me recently to lead a Bible
Study with a group of people recovering from a range of addictions and to begin
with the singing of ‘Amazing Grace’.
I am tempted to say it took on a whole new meaning but actually this was
men and women connecting with the only meaning Newton intended. From the brokenness of his own life
along with a deep sense of shame and unworthiness, Newton marvels at the love
of his God who thought him worthy of the death of His Son and brought him to
that place where he could say:
‘The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.‘
Not that this is a hymn merely for those with what might be described as
a dark and difficult past. Anyone
with any insight into themselves can find reasons why they don’t deserve
anything from God and so the assurance of His grace, covering this life and the
next, is something we can all