Monday, 24 June 2013

World War Z

Now I wouldn’t normally be drawn to a zombie movie.  Honest.  But this is the Glasgow Zombie Movie , the one where George Square and its environs were used to film scenes of violence, mayhem and panic.  So a bit of a disconnect there, but apparently in the time the film-makers were there millions and millions and millions were poured into the local economy, and locals got to play the part of the zombies.  We’ve heard all the jokes about that so let’s get on with the film.

It’s actually very good.  For some reason, and we are never told why, millions of people have been infected with a virus which is passed on by biting.  They are uncontrollably aggressive and are capable of overcoming the best efforts of armies all over the world.    It largely avoids the ‘yuk’ factor so prominent in most zombie movies and brings a heightened sense of the helplessness of humanity when faced with nature at its most red in tooth and claw.  

At one point a scientist likens nature to a serial killer who has a powerful urge to get caught, and at her strongest sometimes reveals where she is most weak.  Whether this happens, you will have to find out yourself.  

Brad Pitt is great as Gerry Lane, no Man Of Steel, but courageous, sensitive and insightful.  There are no other big name stars but they all work together to produce a tense, quality entertainment.