So what is the appeal? When something which goes so much against the grain is so enjoyable the question is worth asking.
For a start, I like the strong sense of friendship which runs through the stories. On the surface Merlin in Prince Arthur’s dogs-body, running errands, preparing food, polishing armour. What Arthur doesn’t know is that Merlin is a gifted wizard who has been given the task of protecting the young prince from any danger. The prophecies say that Arthur will one day be a great king and Merlin has a role in bringing that to reality. The problem for Merlin is that his influence, his crucial role in holding Camelot together must remain hidden.
The other important friendship is that between Merlin and the Court Physician Gaius played by Richard Wilson, better known as Victor Meldrew. He has a great knowledge of sorcery and legends and is one of the few people who know of Merlin’s magical gifts. As Merlin’s mentor he often keeps the young wizard’s sometimes impetuous nature in check.
Destiny is also a major theme. All the main characters have their moments of achievement and failure, they make their personal choices for good or ill, but they are being carried along by a force they have no control over which will lead to the fulfillment of Arthur’s great Kingdom. Along the way there will be dark forces seeking to prevent this but although they do much harm and leave their mark the great destiny will not be denied.
It looks as if there will be many challenges for Arthur and Merlin in series five and I will be fighting every monster and evil knight along with them. Apparently, when I was a wee boy watching westerns I used to dress up as a cowboy. Anyone got some spare armour?