There has recently been a great deal of reflection on the life of Nelson Madela and how he was able to leave behind feelings of revenge, rise above resentment, and commit his life to building a better future for South Africa. A future where people were able to cut across racial and ethnic barriers and find a common purpose in working for justice and peace. He once described the day that he was released from prison:
‘As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew that if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind I’d still be in prison.’
Now we might say that our grudges are not going to affect a whole community or nation. But where there is a build up of those feelings you soon have an atmosphere where revenge is more important than reconciliation and that is a bleak outlook for our society and the world. This is where the message of Christmas comes in.
When Jesus was born ‘grudge matches’ were pretty common. Israel was an occupied country, under the heel of the Roman Empire. That did not go down well with fiercely nationalistic Jews. And within the nation of Israel there were racial and religious differences which provoked strong feelings. It was into this atmosphere that the angels brought a message of peace:
‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.’
The purpose of Jesus’ coming was to bring glory to God and peace to the whole of humankind. His life, death and resurrection would make it possible for people to be close to God, to be at peace with Him. But the vision went further. As people’s lives were shaped by this peace barriers that divide and embitter would be brought down.
One of the most inspiring stories I heard this year was from a Christian relief worker who had just recently returned from the Middle East. She had been in various countries where Syrians had sought refuge, one of which was Lebanon. In one town she came across a Syrian family - mother, father and four children - who were living in a derelict building. They had had a fairly good standard of living in their own country but were now having to live day to day. Circumstances were made all the more difficult by the attitude of the local Mayor. He had made a statement to the effect that no Syrian refugees should be given any help. Apparently, there have been strained relationships between Lebanese and Syrians in the past.
A small Christian congregation was not prepared to accept this, however, and were providing the family with food, clothes and any other items they may need. This is all the more impressive in that the family are Muslims. But these are the things that happen when the message of the angels is taken to heart. There can be peace on earth when people live close to God and commit their lives to His purpose.